Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that Senior Manager Amanda T. Bulian has joined the firm’s expanding network of...
Deceptive Advertising, Class Action/Class Certification, Genericness, Likelihood of Confusion, News, Trademark, False Advertising, Secondary Meaning
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that Amanda Ford has been named a principal of AMS, recognizing her distinguished...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) is excited to announce that Raquel Mendizábal Martell, Ph.D., Manager in the Litigation Support Practice at AMS, is a recipient of Hope College’s 10 Under 10...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) is proud to announce that Principal and Litigation Survey Expert Brian Sowers has been selected to serve on The Trademark Reporter Committee at International...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) is pleased to announce that Principal and Discrete-Choice Methodology Lead Patricia Yanes will be joining the firm’s expanding network of testifying survey...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that a recent court ruling marks a milestone in the use of conjoint analysis as a...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to welcome newly affiliated expert Dr. Adam Alter, an authority on consumer behavior and...
Consumer surveys can provide valuable empirical evidence in Lanham Act matters, class actions, and many other types of litigation. Sometimes a survey may be the only way to obtainrelevant evidence. ...
Deceptive Advertising, Likelihood of Confusion, News, Trademark
Applied Marketing Science, Inc., a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that Patricia Yanes has been named a Principal in the firm, recognizing her as an emerging...
Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce that Dr. Renée Richardson Gosline has affiliated with the firm’s Litigation Support...