Consumer surveys can provide valuable empirical evidence in Lanham Act matters, class actions, and many other types of litigation. Sometimes a survey may be the only way to obtain relevant evidence. What issues should litigants consider when contemplating the use of survey evidence? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks?
Applied Marketing Science (AMS) testifying experts Brian Sowers and Jacqueline Chorn join Marcello Santana, Esq., in discussing these and other key considerations in "Surveys in Lanham Act Matters," an article recently published in IP Litigator magazine. The survey experts explore critical issues to consider in survey design, and explain the survey process, from exploratory research to data analysis. They also review several illustrative case examples where survey evidence successfully bolstered a client’s position, including well-known brands such as Hershey Chocolate, Christian Louboutin, and Sara Lee Corporation.
IP Litigator magazine provides regular briefings on the latest thinking and strategies for intellectual property litigation and enforcement. Top litigators and industry experts provide practice tips in patent, copyright, ITC and customs, trademark, and international litigation.
Learn more about survey research in Lanham Act matters by accessing the article here.
For specific questions about consumer surveys in litigation matters, contact Jason Och at (781) 250-6317.