On August 9, 2017, the Honorable John A. Kronstadt, United States District Judge in the United States District Court, Central District Of California, released a ruling on Defendants’ Motion To...
July 24, 2017
In re: Devi Khoday And Danise Townsend v. Symantec Corp. and Digital River, Inc., Civil No. 11-180 (JRT/TNL) , Class Certification Ruling March 19, 2015
In re: Dial Complete Marketing MDL Case No. 11-md-2263-SM and Sales Practices Litigation ALL CASES Opinion No. 2017 DNH 051 dated March 27, 2017
In re: LENOVO ADWARE LITIGATION Case No. 5:15-md-02624-RMW, Class Certification Ruling Oct. 27, 2016
The Ninth Circuit recently upheld the certification of a consumer class alleging that “all natural” labels on ConAgra's Wesson cooking oil misled customers who were concerned about genetically...